Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not My America - Spread the Wealth!

What is wrong with “spreading the wealth”? Some are treating it like spreading the flu. Are we no longer our brother’s keeper? Has America forgotten to help out our fellow man? This country has an incredible disparity between the rich and the other classes. While some are living in homes that could accommodate every member of your family, there are many who have lost their jobs, homes, and retirement incomes. Hey, we bailed out Wall Street, so why not give a little relief to the American people. Let’s spread the wealth!

Most rich people with a conscience would tell you that the little tax increase proposed in an Obama administration would be only fair in lieu of our current economic conditions and social needs. Additionally, they are aware of their abilities to afford the best tax accountants and attorneys in order to pay the least amount of taxes possible. That is what money does for you. It allows you to pay for services unknown to the “average Joe”. So Joe the Plumber and his cohorts, who are whining about an increase in their taxes are being plain selfish. Be glad that you are able to earn $250,000 or more, in a sour economy. Be glad that you can work for yourself each day and do something that you love. For the more you do for others from the heart, the more you will be blessed in return. After while, you will not even notice what you thought would be a burden. Let's spread the wealth!

So how in the world can shoot ‘em up bang bang, wannabe VP, Sarah Palin endorse stifling the middle class and poor but letting the rich continue to run wild, when she claims to be for average Americans? That concept is oxymoronic in itself, for when did Republicans become the saviors of the poor? Republicans are mainly faith based people, which is to be respected; however when it comes to those with less, they seem to turn the other cheek. Undoubtedly, they have confused the scriptures and forgotten to ask "what would Jesus do?" Instead of serving mammon -Let’s spread the wealth!

Let’s especially help the middle class, the red-headed step child. For years, this group has been footing the bill for everyone. Middle class America is the backbone of this country. They are the workers at these small and large corporations, searching for ways to find their own financial independence; they are the spenders who drive this economy and make purchases on a tight budget, splurging only out of necessity; they are the borrowers who want to achieve the American dream of home ownership and send their children to college so they can have a better life; and they are the tax-payers who sustain both rich and the poor alike. Supporting these people, supports what American stands for – one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all – not just the affluent. Let’s spread the wealth!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

K.I.S.S.: Teach A Man to Wash Clothes (Laundry)

You both have to work because the economy is more than on shaky ground these days. Furthermore, you cannot afford to lose another wool sweater, nor have all your beige blouses turned blue, just because he wants to pitch in and do some cleaning around the house. You could use the help but he needs to be equipped. Now is the time to teach your man (and perhaps, your children) how to do the laundry. In fact, just print this out and tape it to the washing machine door.

read more digg story

Saturday, October 4, 2008

K.I.S.S.: Your Closet

In a busy world we need a simple way to access the clothes in our closet and create functional fashions in minutes.

read more digg story