Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blog Finale

Dear Readers,

Today, May 28, 2009, I am writing my last blog for this season. Who can say with certainty what will happen in the future, but for now, I am turning in my Wordpress and BlogSpot accounts for loftier goals. My main objective for blogging was to simply journal, something I have done since I was in middle school, but because I am also a private person; I was always a little intimidated by strangers reading my personal diary, and I never wanted to appear narcissistic. To flip the script, I would cleverly change the stories around or create a scenario, in an attempt to take the focus off of me. There was always a hint of truth in my blogs, but not quite the whole story. While this was fun for a moment, my passion to write a book and develop a screenplay remained on the back burner. Well, not entirely, I did write a book, but then I got so afraid that it was a rush job and my spirit has not allowed me to publish it. How could I call myself a true artist if I did not believe in my own work? Consequently, my “first book” has become this lost project, buried in a heap of incomplete dramas and technical works.

Then one day, my cousin invited me to her singles group, and I reluctantly attended, although I knew my spirit was gnawing at me to go. Once there, I was reminded that I was not using my talents as commissioned. While some people may be unaware of their passions and talents and purposes; I do not have that luxury of ignorance. Instead, I had gotten comfortable excusing myself from my passion to learn a new job, and to relocate, and to do this and to do that and the other. I was filling my space with so many others things to worry about, so I would not have to deal with the fact that I had abandoned my gift. In retrospect, I can see that I used the blogs to say I was still writing when I was only writing amiss. Come on, three blogs, and no monetizing. Perhaps I could have convinced myself that this was God's plan if any of the three was at least earning a profit, but that was not the case and we all know that God does not dwell in confusion. While I believe the portions from my blogs will be used in later literary works, I know that it is time to "stop pussy-footing around and get back to work," as my Grandmother would say.

There is a three part test to passion in my estimation: peace, compensation, and completion. I believe without equivocation that writing is my passion, because it calms me and provides a level of peace only comparable to my devotions with God. Further, I obviously would write regardless of compensation. Lastly, there is a void in my life when I am not following this destiny. Whenever I try to fill my life with other things, I still end up lonely and incomplete. In those situations, I need to stop whatever I am doing - in my case "blogging" - and get back on track - "write this manuscript as if it contained my last breath".

Just as Moses was no great orator but was used to set a nation free; I know I am not the finest writer yet I am inspired to write this book, not for personal validation, but as a voice to be shared with the world. My first book will not be business motivational one I have been rewriting for months, but it IS a comedic love story about trust, passion and religion. And God willing, the next blog you receive from me will be an invitation to read my new novel!!! Until then, I want to thank all of my readers and feeders and those who added a comment on Facebook or sent me a message directly to my email. Your feedback was always appreciated and I hope you received a blessing from something you read.
With Peace & Love Always,


Monday, May 25, 2009

Need to get away? Explore YMT Vacations

May is still a great time to begin planning our summer vacations. Imagine spending 15 days in Hawaii touring 4 fantastic tropical islands. Waking up on the beach, walking through the sand by day, and watching a beautiful sunset every evening. Well, YMT Vacations can make it happen, even on a budget. Their paradise tours include inter-coastal airfare and loads of fun for everyone.

If you really want to plan the mother of all trips to Europe, the Canadian Rockies or to take an Alaskan cruise; YMT Vacations is a premier source. Their European cruises and tours are still very budget conscious without lessening all the excitement you would enjoy when booking pricier packages. YMT Vacations specializes in offering full-service vacations for mature travelers for over forty years and worth exploring before you finalize your traveling itinerary.

Upgrade your home with K-Designers

Have you heard of the phrase, “it is cheaper to keep her?” Well the saying is based on the expense of divorcing your wife compared to just sticking it out for the sake of your finances. In comparison, if you have an old home that has been worn down over the years, your first thought may be to trade her in for a newer model. However in this current economy, that may be easier said than done. Instead, it is likely more feasible to take the aforementioned advice and just spruce your home up a little with the help of K-Designers.

It is amazing, the enhancement that can be made when you call on the professional services of K-Designers. These designers and remodelers can give you that new home at an old address with upgrades to your façade using the type of quality products that have made them the #1 remodeler in the Western United States. K-Designers can give your home the facelift it needs and there is no cost until the job is completed and you are 100% satisfied.