Sunday, December 28, 2008

#12. Women Bloggers want your Feedback

When I started this blog, I just knew that I would get a lot of feedback from women challenging me on my generalizations about the hardest working species on earth - in fact I reveled in that knowledge. However, I was wrong. Perhaps my content is too ordinary or the blog is too new. Whatever the reason, 2009 will have a fresh approach to the wants and needs of women; provoking men and women to respond - intentionally. So in preparation for your onslaught of written comments and opinions (optimistically speaking); I am posting some Blogging Etiquette for Blog Readers, borrowed respectfully from "The Story Siren", please read and take note - literally:

  • Try to post a comment that is relative to the blog post. If it doesn’t pertain to the post, maybe it would be better to email the blog owner (unless of course you can’t find an email address) or leave a comment in a c-box, if there is one. (I use to have a c-box, but deleted it after a slew of spam).
  • If you have your own blog don’t blatantly promote yourself on someone else’s. I haven’t had that happen to me yet, but I’ve seen it on other blogs. You’re only shedding a negative light on yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I love to support other book blogs and other bookish people just remember to be courteous and mindful to others.
  • If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. If you don’t like it then move on. And be careful what you say, you can’t convey tone when you are leaving a comment, something that you meant in a joking nature may not be taken that way. Don’t be rude and childish either. I’ve had my share of rude anonymous comments. Take my advice and just delete them, they aren’t worth your time and effort to convey a response.

Some blogging etiquette insists that you should not respond as an "Anonymous" source, but I view this differently. My belief is that you may have a comment which is very pertinent to a topic AND you need to remain anonymous. While it is ideal to know who is reading this blog, it is more important to me that your opinions are noted. So Anonymous, if you have to hide your identity occasionally, you are still welcome to blog here, because it is the thought that counts.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

#11. Women want a home for Christmas and everyday

Simply stated
Women want HOME for the holidays.

Home is a state of mind and a physical location.

A home
Is where love is
Is where peace exists
Is stability
Is warmth
Is a soft place to land
Is a roof over your head
Is shelter from the rain.

Home is family.
Women want family.
When you reach a certain age
You really and truly want your own family.
You need to build memories
Create legacies.
Home is life and life-giving.

Home is a space that we fill
With laughter
With pictures
With people we love, gathering in the kitchen, telling lies and eating pies.

Home prepares a place for rest
To review the best and worst of the year
Where we stop and wonder how we got over
Where we give thanks for each new day
Where we pray for a better tomorrow.

As prayers go, I offer one for each person who is homeless physically and/or emotionally. I can certainly relate, knowing firsthand that any day without the creature comforts of home and the peace of God is a miserable existence. I pray that our voids will be filled with blessings and that we will in turn be a blessing to others; always testifying of His goodness.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

#10. What women want and need for Christmas? (You tell me)

Now, I am aware that Oprah is going to reveal “Oprah’s Favorite Things” very soon and perhaps you were going to glean a few ideas from the show, but we cannot wait for all of that; the sales are going on right now and the last day (to arrive by Christmas) to ship FED EX ground is today!!! So tell us, is it “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, Brown paper packages tied up with strings,” are these a few of your favorite things?

If not, what “things” would brighten a girl’s day this December 25th? What would make your life a wee bit easier (is it a convertible car so you can switch in and out of lanes quicker)? What would put a great big smile on your face (how about a diamond ring or a High Definition television)? What would warm your heart (giving food and clothing to a needy family)? It could be a new collectible Gucci bag and a pair of Louboutin heels; it matters not to me because I am not going to buy it for you anyway - but someone just might!

I really appreciate your participation. May your Christmas dreams come true!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

#9. Women need to learn how to support one another? (PEACE portions for the rest of ’08)

In the midst of an in-depth tête-à-tête about cultures and class systems; I was rudely interrupted with yet another example of women hating on other women. I know that is the reoccurring theme on the Tyra show but not on the weekend, not in the middle of breakfast. I am so frustrated with the subject. I could accept the sisterly banter if it were warranted; however it usually stems from insecurity and jealousy, like today’s topic of “light skinned vs. dark skinned”. But it actually gets worse:

  • Working women vs. women who stay at home with their children
  • Women with children vs. Women without children
  • Single women vs. married women
  • Women with dates vs. Women who cannot find a date
  • Brunettes vs. Blondes
  • Fat vs. Skinny
  • Straight hair vs. Curly hair (or is that good hair vs. bad hair)
  • Party girls vs. The girls next door
  • Women with weave vs. Women with naturally long hair
  • My daughter vs. Your daughter
  • Rich girls vs. Valley girls
  • Bi-racial vs. Non bi-racial
  • Sorority sisters vs. Sorority sisters vs. Non-Greeks
  • The wife vs. The “Other woman” (well, this one might make sense)

For ever reason under the sun, mostly derived from some form of self-hate; women will dislike and berate other women.

When did it begin? Was it an Electra Complex when Eve’s daughter competed with her for Adam’s attention? Or was it Eve who was jealous because her daughter was a younger version of her? Who knows? And my point is, who cares? Neither answer would be justifiable because here is the perfect example of female rivalry beginning at home with the one person a young girl ought to always feel secure – her mother.

Rodney King asked the cops who beat him to a pulp, and now I am asking women who undercut other women, “Why can’t we all just get along?” For example, why do women look at other women harder than they will the finest man in the building? Then they will break her down from top to bottom. You would never find a straight man analyzing another man like that. Is there a good reason for girls or adult women to partake in such "catty" behavior? Do we blame it all on men, and society, for forcing women to compete. All minority groups tend to suffer from the notion that there are limited resources needed to become successful (marriage, children, riches, power, a career or any combination thereof), thus, members of that minority group begin to act like “crabs in a bucket” - tearing one another down in order to rise, to shine, to be declared the “best in show”. Fear is such a powerful motivator. It makes even the most submissive creatures vicious. The divide and conquer tactic reminds me of a story about a sleazy guy, Tom, who figured he would date two women he worked with, Beth and Melinda, at the same time, unbeknownst to them. The women were complete opposite types; yet somehow Tom convinced each woman that she was his ideal preference. After a period of time, both Beth and Melinda became worried (female intuition) that Tom was dating someone else at work but neither could ever quite figure it. Why? Because Tom kept them separate and foolishly underestimating the other woman.

But then there are times when the fault lies solely on women's shoulders. How about the infamous YouTube fights where girls are beating up other girls? When did brawling become ladylike? Further instances exist when women fight without throwing punches, but the wound is just as deep. I know a successful female real estate broker who once admitted how it still hurt her that her female friends (she used the word not me) would rather list with a male broker. This is a very successful woman who should care less but actually it bothered her that some of the women close to her did not want to help her succeed even if it meant they would make money. Now you would never see a man do something stupid like this. He is not going to lose a dime just to stick it to another man.

How can women stop this destructive behavior, and begin to love themselves and respect their gender mates? Women (not just girls) might benefit from a self esteem class or two, to teach them their unique value, so they can then mentor the younger generation. Women need to learn how to support people who look like them without comparison; fostering female bonding devoid of fear of pain or competition. Women need to assess not only physical looks, but promote education and any special skills of the younger girls in their communities. Constantly telling girls how “pretty” they are without impressing upon them how they are equally “smart” and “talented” is a disservice to our young ladies. Beauty fades, so God could have never intended for looks to be the totality of a woman’s worth, and we should not either. Girls and little women especially need to LEARN this early on.

What power, GIRL power could be unleashed in the world with these simple truths? What goodwill women could offer if they worked as a unit instead enemies? I envision:

  • the abolishment of the misogynistic ills of this society
  • female networking and support groups for career, financial advice, female issues, children with disabilities, aging parents, etc.
  • older women imparting wisdom about motherhood and marriage to the younguns.

None of that phony baloney, superficial female socializing that borders on gossip groups; or those multilevel marketing businesses that are primarily income driven (there is nothing wrong with that but that is not the purpose of this post). What I am suggesting is a camaraderie that requires a genuine interest in being a blessing to another woman without the expectation of gain. Now that is a paradigm shift.

I know I am constantly preaching that WOMEN are the nurturers of this society, and I just cannot help but imagine how awesome it would be if they learned how to feed one another. A new breed of women. NO more catfights. NO one for homosexuals to mimic. Oh, what peace on earth!