Thursday, January 1, 2009

#13. Women need to be celebrated! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

I just love being able to start fresh, don’t you? God grants the seasons in order to foster the metamorphosis that we need in our lives. For me, it has become a ritual on New Year’s Eve to take at least an hour to review my goals for that year, list the things I did accomplish, and then I prepare my upcoming goals for the year ahead. These are not resolutions but promises I make to myself.

After reviewing my 2008 goals, I noticed that I had broken a lot of promises. This realization left me feeling mildly melancholy knowing that I had only hit a small percentage of my annual targets. But on the other hand, I knew that within a few hours I could start this party all over again with a fresh set of objectives; and so I did. Through prayer, I was inspired to trust myself with eight new goals, chock-full of power and passion.

One of my promises included changing the slant of this blog. In 2008 it was all about women being underestimated and trying to breed responses from that communal feeling of being taken for granted. But it is a new day baby! 2009 is about WOMEN BEING CELEBRATED. The focus is no longer on the negative emotions, female bashing, or the self-deprecating insights women are accustomed; instead is dedicated to highlighting solutions on how to live a purposeful life while affecting positive change in women. For we live this life not just to be blessed for selfish gain but to also be a blessing to others.

Do you have a testimony of sorts about an accomplishment in 2008 or a promise you are making to yourself for the future? Remember your struggle is not yours alone and there is no need to be ashamed. The battles you have faced are to be shared so that they can benefit someone else; in that honesty you will be blessed in return.

Thanks for sharing and I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm 27, married with two kids and I find that I love my husband more today then when I first knew I was in love with him at all. My husband and I have gone thru some tough times and there were quite a few times where we wanted to walk away from it all. I find that people have a hard time admitting when they have issues with their companion. I used to be like that too. But now i find that I can openly talk about our issues... even to strangers cause I'm confident in what we have. This man drives me insane and up the wall with his typical man nonsense sometimes, but even while I'm picking up his drawers off the bathroom floor and thinking to myself "This ol lazy black Muth&*&%*)... I always come back to how much I really love him. What we have is grown folk love. And its not about age, but about maturity and experience. There are couples out there who are knocking on fifty who are still messing with that high school kinda love. That irresponsible, inconsiderate, superficial, only on the surface kinda love. I think me and my husband have passed that. I could be wrong but that is what it feels like. I've learned over the years that LOVE... is not a feeling. Its an act. And I can say although it feels great to love my man, it feels even better to know that I look into his eyes and I KNOW and I FEEL and he SHOWS the love he has for me. Thats a superb feeling. Thats a feeling that really makes me walk with a swagger everywhere I go. Even when I'm in Walmart with no make-up on, my 4 year old whining about the Hannah Montana doll she can't get and my one year ol fussing cause its nap time... I feel like a loved woman cause of the way my man treats me, respects and holds me in the high place that he does.

Things happen, mistakes are made, people change. We went thru ups, downs, ups and downs again. I look forward to the next few decades with my husband. The ups. The downs and everything in between. Just as long as he... we continue to not only feel but also SHOW respect and LOVE for one another.