Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where is the love?

I know you are wondering what happened to the love we once shared? Well, blogging, much like your love life, gets pushed aside when "LIFE" gets in the way. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard, "people do what they want to do", and in theory I believe that to be true. However, I love to write and post these blogs but was unable to keep that commitment. Does that mean I really do not enjoy writing? In the case of "love" - if your significant other did not shower you with lavish gifts on Valentine's day, or vice versa, does that mean that the love is gone? I hope not. Why limit yourself to one day anyway? I cannot speak for all cases, but honestly, there are times when things that we do not enjoy as much have to take a precedence, i.e. taxes, moving, pumping gas, doing laundry. These mundane activities are all a part of life. My only advice is to not make a HABIT of putting things that are materialistic and temporal before the people you love and those spiritual connections that matter most...Hopefully we will return to love sometime tomorrow. I'm working on it.

Lovingly submitted,


Anonymous said...

Love is overrated.

What Women Want and Need said...

Dear Anonymous -

Thanks for commenting. Just curious if it is really "love" that is overrated or is it some other emotion disguised as love?

Anonymous said...

You should really write more often. Your blog is good and I send it to friends. I wish I had the courage to write my thoughts down. Some times you say what I think.

Anonymous said...

This is not that difficult, simply the love between two people can be and most times is overrated, particularly in the modern context.

Perhaps, leading to your point, it deals with the materialism. People can not relate to each other. There is a settling from the man's side and the woman's (perhaps more for a woman) in some aspect. Thus, the true love loses its meaning;thus, making "love," the love btw two people overrated.