Thursday, March 5, 2009

#30. Women and American viewers need a black "Bachelorette" for 2010.

Enough with The Bachelor television series and its 100% failure rate; this show is just a front for nice guys who want to fondle twenty-five (25) women over the course of eight weeks without spending a dime on one of them. Can you imagine this guy doesn’t even have to pay for the engagement ring? The only commitment the Bachelor makes is in fulfilling most men’s dream of dating beautiful women, at the same time, and taking them to romantic destinations gratis. Not too bad of a gig. If I were I guy, I would sign up too.

But the poor women, constantly cooing and crying over a “husband” that will never be. On the other hand, The Bachelorette has held a slightly better record with the marriage of Trista and Ryan in 2003. Nothing much has happened on the show since, but there is potential. That opportunity comes with finding a Black Bachelorette. Not one of those Flavor Flav types – with their rap video appeal. I’m suggesting an African-American woman with a lot of class, professionalism, basically a woman with nothing missing but the “man”.

Black women, typically prefer to date and marry black men, but with the state of the black American male being disproportionately higher (than other races) for disease, incarceration, and homosexuality – the choices are scarce, leaving exceptional, educated, strong black women home alone. On top of that, black males like all males, feel very free to date all races of women and are exercising that right without regret. ABC could capitalize on this racial imbalance by introducing the fortunate Bachelorette to “Something New” (men of different ethnicities). Of course, there should be African American men to choose from, as well, since that is her normal preference. But what a top-rated show (The Bachelorette 2010) would be if the world could watch this beautiful, mature woman break down boundaries and open up to men of all races in order to find a life-long mate.

Just as I challenge the black woman, who is uncomfortable dating outside of her race, I challenge ABC to make this happen – in the name of long lasting love, of course. I think I hear wedding bells. Tell me what you think?


Amie80 said...

All I can say is...Amen to that!!!

What Women Want and Need said...


Thanks for your comment. Some may think a year is too early to push this but in TV land, we are right on time. I only hope others will speak out as you did, and the word spreads.

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Why are you uncomfortable dating outside of your race?

What Women Want and Need said...

Hi Chrissy,

I am happy in a relationship with someone of my same race, but I have enjoyed dating outside of my race in the past. Have you seen the 2006 movie "Something New"?

Anonymous said...

I totally feel you on that. We all deserve to be happy, no matter the race of the potential. Im totally behind you!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on! If the both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette had more diversity among the whole entire cast, there would, perhaps, be better success because there's different people to choose from, not just the same race. It's not always going to be Whites with Whites, Blacks with Blacks, Asians with Asians, Hispanics with Hispanics, Middle Easterners with Middle Easterners, Natives with Natives, and so on. Sure there are a lot of rich, fit, beautiful people of all colors out there but those producers, sponsors, and advertisers seem quite ignorant about it.

Anonymous said...

The first step is as good as half over.


Anonymous said...

The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".
