Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Does God care who you vote for?

There is this quote by John Quincy Adams: "Duty is ours, results are God's". A very sensible reference for the current day. And with all the emotions and prayers being lifted up for one candidate versus another, it led me to ponder whether God tells people who to vote for? I heard someone say that if I pray about who to vote for and you pray about it also, but we come up with two different answers, then one of us is wrong. Is it impossible for God to tell one person to vote for one candidate and another to do the opposite? In this case, who actually heard from God? Can God split His vote? Does He even care who you vote for?

I am sure that by this evening, there will be those who say that they heard from God if their candidate wins, but if he does not, they will blame it on those other people who were not obedient. Like the aforementioned quote suggests, I tend to believe that if you pray, which gives you peace knowing you went to God first, and then you seek information to understand each candidate's platform before casting your vote; then you have done your part. Read no more into the process, and let God do the rest. Regardless of the results, Americans will have a new President-elect, and he will be due the honor and respect befitting the title.

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